Circular Production

Quality - Durability - Traceability - Responsibility

Circular Production

Quality - Durability - Traceability - Responsibility

Toward Social Responsibility

Commitment to the Environment

In recent years, Hai Nam Company has been relentlessly developing and upgrading its infrastructure to manage large volumes of plastic waste and produce high-quality recycled materials. Investment in advanced plastic recycling technology has enabled the company to achieve closed-loop production and contribute to innovating the plastic recycling cycle. Moreover, strengthening the waste collection and sorting system has optimized the recycling process, thereby contributing to reducing environmental pollution and preserving natural resources.

Hai Nam has invested in an MDO film production line using European technology and implemented a solution for producing recyclable flexible packaging through the use of Mono-Component packaging. Mono-Component packaging is made from a single type of plastic material such as PE or PP, which enhances recycling efficiency while reducing costs. Hai Nam not only addresses environmental pollution but also takes on social responsibility and promotes sustainable development.

At the Vietnam Packaging Awards 2024, with our Mono-Component Packaging products, Hai Nam achieved the following awards:

– 1 Excellence Award
– 2 Specialized Awards – Packaging with Suitable Technology
– 1 Specialized Award – Sustainable Packaging
– Popular Choice Packaging Award
The award-winning products met strict criteria such as fulfilling technical and marketing requirements, achieving high economic efficiency, and also bringing real value to business.










Internal Waste

Specialized Machinery

Img 9072 2 Scaled

Recycled Plastic Resin


Finished Packaging


Internal Waste

Img 9072 2 Scaled

Recycled Plastic Resin

Specialized Machinery


Finished Packaging

Advantage of Circular Production

Minimize the footprint on the environment
Optimize raw material and production costs
Strengthen the corporate brand image

HẢI NAM - Partnering
The Green Transition

Giai Thuong Bbvn 2024

Advantage of Circular Production

Minimize the footprint on the environment
Optimize raw material and production costs
Strengthen the corporate brand image